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CGP= Heavy Chariots; CGL= Light Chariots; CF= Schyted Chariots; CP= Heavy Cavalry; CM= Medium Cavalry; CL= Light Cavalry; FP= Heavy Infantry; FL= Light Infantry; S= Skirmishers; T= Missile Troops, EL= Elephants ; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, D= Discipline; VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

AZTECS XIV-XVI Cent. - updated on 21 January 2015
Vol. 31
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-4 FL- Cuachicqueh and Otontin (*) 8 5 4 B 3 26 Various weapons
4-10 FL - Military Orders (*) 8 5 3 B 3 25 Various weapons
12-40 FL - Macehualtin (* not CiC) 8 4 1 C 1 11
4-12 S - Skirmishers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
OR S - Skirmishers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
OR S - Skirmishers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short Bow B
0-4 T - Levy bowmen 6 4 0 B 1 14 Short Bow B

You can downgrade all FL- Cuachicqueh and Otontin Units to D=C and Impetuous. Final cost 16pts per Unit.
The Atlatl is represented by Various Weapons.
Priests/Shamen are included in the Military Orders and Macehualtin.
You can upgrade up to 50% fielded Skirmishers to VBU=3 and D=B at 14pts each.
Special rule. Due to human sacrifices this armies can buy up to 6 Destiny rolls.

LATER MAYA 1461-1546 AD - first draft
Vol. 31
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-5 FL- Elite (*) 8 5 4 C 3 21 Various weapons
6-36 FL - Warriors 8 5 2 C 2 20 Various weapons
OR FL - Warriors 8 4 1 C 1 14 Various weapons
0-2 S - Scouts 8 2 0 C 1 7 Various weapons
0-8 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
2-12 S - Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short Bow B
OR T - Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short Bow A
0-2 S - Hornet Nest Throwers 8 2 3 C 1 10

Archers T and S can shoot over FL with no penalty for indirect fire.
Special rule. Units that disperse Hornest Nest Throwers must take a Discipline Test. If they fail they are disordered. No further effect if already in Disorder.
Special rule. Due to human sacrifices this armies can buy up to 6 Destiny rolls.

SAMURAI 1550-1600 AD - last update 1 September 2009
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-4 CP- Mounted Samurai (*) 8 7 4 B 3 38
2-8 FP - Foot Samurai (*) 5 6 3 B 3 26
2-8 FP - Ashigaru 6 5 2 B 2 19
0-2 T - Ashigaru archers 6 3 0 B 2 16 Longbow B
0-2 FP - Ronin 6 5 2 B 2 19
0-6 T - Teppo 6 4 0 B 2 21 Harquebus A
0-4 FP - Militia led by local samurai 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-20 Palisade sections - - - - - 5 permanent fortifications (**)

NOTES AND OPTIONS. You can provide palveses to one or more Units of T for an additional cost of +3 pts per Unit.
You can provide long spear to one ore more Units of Ashigaru FP for an additional cost of +3 pts per Unit
(**) Note. Palisade sections have the same frontage of Units.

YI (CHOSON) KOREANS XIV-XVI Cent. - first draft
CS= Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-3 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
2-4 CM - Cavalry 10 5 1 B 3 29 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL - Light cavalry 12 4 0 B 2 24 Comp. bow B
1-4 FP - Regular Halberdiers (*) 5 5 2 B 2/3(*) 19
2-6 FP - Regular infantrymen (*) 5 5 1 B 2/3(*) 21 Long Spear
0-4 FP - Militiamen 5 4 1 C 1 16 Long Spear
2-4 T - Archers 6 3 0 B 2 16 Comp. bow A
0-1 T- Rocketeers 6 3 0 B 2 12 Handgun
0-2 S - Skirmishers 8 2 1 B 1 16 Various Weapons
0-1 ART - Light Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-1 ART - wheeled rocket launchers 6 1 0 B 1 20 Artillery B
0-20 Palisade Sections - - - - - 5 (**)
1 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
0-1 CL - Light Cavalry 12 4 0 B 2 24 Comp. bow B
0-1 FP - Swordsmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
0-2 FP - Spearmen 5 5 1 B 2 18
0-1 T - Crossbowmen 6 3 0 B 2 19 Crossbow A
0-1 S - Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 16 Harquebus B
0-1 ART - Artillery 2 1 0 B 2 20 Art A

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Replaced the Korean Koryo Dynasty and ruled until 1910!
This list covers up to the end of the Japanese invasions of the 16th century.
Against first Japanese invasion this army should be poor CS.
(**) Note. Palisade sections have the same frontage of Units.

LATE 16th C.- Early 17th C. POLISH - last edit: June 8 2012
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CP-(Hussars)* 8 8 5 B 3 45 Impetuous
1-4 CM - Pancerni (Polish-Cossacks) 10 5 2 B 3 26 Composite Bow C
1-4 CL-(Real Cossacks)*(Not CIC) 12 4 2 B 2 24 Composite Bow C
0-2 CM-(Mounted. Arquebusiers) 8 4 1 C 1 18 Harquebus B
0-2 CL- Dragoons 12 4 2 C 1 23 Harquebus B
0-1 CL-Tartars 12 4 1 C 2 22 Composite Bow B
0-2 CP-Rajtar 8 5 1 B 2 20
0-4 T-Harquebusiers 6 4 2 B 1 22 Harquebus B
0-3 FP-German Pikemen* (Not CIC) 5 4 2 B 2 18 Pike
0-2 S - German Harquebusiers 6 2 0 B 1 16 Harquebusier B
0-2 CM - Wallachians 10 6 3 B 2 33 Composite Bow C.
0-2 CM - Levy Cavalry 12 3 1 C 1 15
0-2 FL-Levy Foot 5 3 1 C 1 10 Various Weapons
0-1 T-Hungarian Shot 6 3 1 B 1 24 Musket
0-2 FP-Halberdiers 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-4 W - Wagons 5 4 0 B 1 14 Various Weapons
0-2 ART-Heavy Artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Artillery A

NOTES AND OPTIONS. CL-Dragoons may dismount (or can be deployed dismounted) as S 8/3/1/C/1/14pts Harquebus B
You can upgrade on or more Units of Halberdiers to VBU to 4. New cost is 9pts per Unit.

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